Colby in front of Christmas tree

We started out at my parents house on Christmas eve. We sll grabbed something to eat and then we all settled into the living room for the traditional reading of the actual CHRISTmas story out of the Bible. Papa sat in the rocking chair with Addy (almost 4yrs) and Hunter (almost 3yrs) while Colby cuddled with mommy's big belly. Dad started reading and about half way through...Addy blurts out " Is this where they get their present now?" and then then both kids shouted " PRESENTS!!!!" (since the present were sitting there in a GIANT pile in front of them...mocking them) ..So Papa quickly finished the story by saying " and then they all opened presents ..the end"! Then the flurry of wrapping paper, bight colored toys, and shrieks of joy filled the air...and it couldn't have been better! We all filled our sleighs...i mean cars... with 2/3 of toys r us and lots of gifts for Mr.B and I ( I secretly love that my parents still get us tons of stuff....its the kid in me).
Christmas morning started at Corys parents house. We all had brunch (homemade cinnamon rolls made by Great Gma, biscuits and gravy, 2 different breakfast casseroles, and little crescent wrapped smokies.) adn all was delish! Then it was off to the living room for PRESENT TIME! The adults drew names at his family's Christmas and then we all bought presents for Colby & Sam (Sam is Cory's sister son, he is 3wks older than Colbs.) The tree was stuffed! The Boys really had a great time opening their gifts. Colby really got into this year....considering last year he slept through 3/4th of the present opening! The boys got lots of the same toys (this works out best..sharing doesn't go over so well sometimes) and several that were just for them and their personalities! After all the gifts were opened, I snuggled with Colby by the tree till he feel asleep in my arms. Special moment I will always remember...Sitting next to the sparkling Christmas tree with by beautiful son sleeping in my arms breathing softly, and our little Mason in my tummy rolling around with a few little kicks. Just God letting me know how Truly BLESSED we are.
Sam & Colby(right)

We finished Christmas evening with Dinner and more present at Cory grandparents house. The boys played the whole time and even got a visit from Santa! All in all...Christmas was great!
Here is a highlight of Colbys Gifts:
Puzzle of his name
Lots of Clothes
Tent & tunnel
Train & train tracks
Easel with crayons, markers, paints, play-dough, and more
Tag Jr with 3 books
Mega blocks pirate ship
Books and puzzles
Pillow Pet and giant bear
Bath boat with fountain
Jumpy house with balls
Anywhere chair
Little people farm with noises
Musical instruments
GIANT tonka trunk (I mean GIANT) from Daddy
This Kid got SPOILED!!!
Mason also got some little tiny clothes...awwww.
Hope you and Your had a Very Blessed Christmas as well